
個人Points:84805   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2015-10-16 23:24:39

5 Q+ v1 J' o; x# s5 W
The Ladder of daily mission via Monster Arena
0 x1 b& }9 W- m0 d
; M0 w8 H% d. ?4 K( [- M* \- mMonster Arena unified as high-end version, players can get a daily mission in the monster arena,
5 e+ L  w4 A* g1 ?1 b) n0 FAnd challenges, and the monster arena mission prizes for 500 Ladder.2 ]& l4 N4 }( b

6 ]/ [& `& C( g, l3 t+ h** Please talk the NPC at starting position  to receive the daily mission counter , and when the complete of mission talk again to NPC to complete mission. 6 V$ D- [' X! E# v, o3 F, n6 h
% B( w! \+ @' O1 M; ~0 n

! a& O: ^' h  YArena  158, 42
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