
個人Points:5288   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2011-11-22 12:11:30

最近需要在HTML的内容中提取一段文本作为简介,如果用普通的办法提取那么将有可能出现截取了半个HTML标志的情况,会破坏页面布局, 为此添加了这么一个函数,可完美解决此问题!!注意在这里你截取的字符数是不含HTML标志的!!
  1. <?php   
    ! L  }0 [  o" _; h: u5 b
  2. /**  # @  S$ W9 o9 D2 t
  3. * 截取HTML字符串 允许忽略HTML标志不计  ) c+ Y( H7 |2 X
  4. *  
    . h* \8 e* |1 D& n/ E
  5. * Author:学无止境  
    ( ^9 ~" g7 r$ d. w
  6. * Email:xjtdy888@163.com  
    ( V0 r6 w7 M! L4 L9 B! C8 W
  7. * QQ: 339534039  4 t% x3 C5 N( t) V4 R( b
  8. * Home:http://www.phpos.org  
    , _: y% @$ P& g/ ]8 i; f$ u
  9. * Blog:http://hi.baidu.com/phps  ' W7 Z  B( P: ^* K  Y' U
  10. *  ! X! Q% |4 ^  N! P
  11. * 转载请保留作者信息  
    5 o7 y' }+ m' d3 {$ K1 r

  12. / z( _$ c( g6 f
  13. *   
    , o; H- t1 \: |& ~& y) x
  14. * @param 要截取的HTML $str  ; `& c; z& d9 S( i& i+ B9 G" n; ^6 \
  15. * @param 截取的数量 $num  
    ; I' _1 |! G+ b6 a2 [
  16. * @param 是否需要加上更多 $more  $ G! w! B9 W& Y, z. K, o. X, \
  17. * @return 截取串  
    : I$ {" S: U& {& Y9 g3 N# h5 m8 L
  18. */  & K! f# K5 C, h! [7 k; V  b
  19. function phpos_chsubstr_ahtml($str,$num,$more=false)   & J& q, p8 m' N8 S/ I
  20. {     ~) [! F) B7 N8 |' _
  21.     $leng=strlen($str);   9 P9 @# ^7 M- H/ P
  22.       if($num>=$leng)      return $str;   
    5 m, d7 h+ T8 O% O9 `: l& a
  23.     $word=0;   ' l( b: Q- q  |" [& ~& [' f
  24.     $i=0;                        /** 字符串指针 **/  
    + n" L8 z* y7 R/ `: |& }
  25.     $stag=array(array());        /** 存放开始HTML的标志 **/  
    + H4 x/ Z$ X* c& L+ p% K* W) s# ~
  26.     $etag=array(array());        /** 存放结束HTML的标志 **/  4 j) P3 ~" M3 ~. ^6 z& w
  27.     $sp = 0;   
    $ E$ P  s( S# t* o( ~( m, ]  y
  28.     $ep = 0;   + X1 Z( u9 N) L
  29.       while($word!=$num)   , R; \) O5 H; U; c, P$ y
  30.       {   
    & M/ ^* y3 t5 R& _, x: A
  31.   ' U1 \' u6 V; U- U6 R" s" ?+ x
  32.           if(ord($str[$i])>128)   
    2 o/ x" ?( v( `' M
  33.           {   5 K( J1 _, T, {, H
  34.             //$re.=substr($str,$i,3);   
    + C; u" k* a. y6 S! g# }
  35.             $i+=3;   
    . R+ Y" e  H$ U# ?, z  B8 C
  36.             $word++;   
    : @5 q9 s. s- O* s5 l4 r( [
  37.           }   
    / p; M7 ^3 h  e/ m; f4 }
  38.           else if ($str[$i]=='<')   1 g! h8 X- m' N. G0 {" |& H+ m( `; i
  39.           {   . @' l# q' d/ E" v  l; m4 I
  40.               if ($str[$i+1] == '!')   ! {* W5 g0 i" V  f, T$ o" H
  41.               {   ) q3 ?- \; ]4 B& e6 G
  42.                 $i++;   ' E' l4 T2 @% X2 E$ X3 d
  43.                   continue;   4 W0 W, i/ R% g3 N! ^
  44.               }   : p, n! d- g& c! l
    , @& b  A  p8 a/ ~& e9 ^5 F. _
  46.               if ($str[$i+1]=='/')       $ y. n3 i. U: v! w: O
  47.               {   $ W4 u  P' {( t5 |* Q- s
  48.                 $ptag=$etag ;   
    : s' ^6 L9 F) F0 Y( D( U, }
  49.                 $k=$ep;   
    " N6 K0 r3 @! H0 W" x. z/ n& C
  50.                 $i+=2;   
    5 @$ R9 V1 L0 e4 f
  51.               }   . `# }8 z! R1 ~, k2 g8 z( E
  52.               else                       / W) o+ K' l1 \" Z! v, _9 b
  53.               {   
    ! h2 B5 m* y5 O9 G$ V& l4 u: s# o
  54.                 $ptag=$stag;   
    $ V- ]# [4 H7 l6 w$ l9 f! V
  55.                 $i+=1;   7 @0 J1 X$ `) l2 }6 W
  56.                 $k=$sp;   ) d( l4 h' I1 H: _2 h8 n
  57.               }   6 Q9 \# ]: G' s7 G
  58.   0 C, x/ [- Q1 h
  59.               for(;$i<$leng;$i++)           
    / C' }) ?" K7 A5 B7 `" @7 T" K
  60.               {   
    4 L& z; p/ t& S4 F  X  @6 ?
  61.                   if ($str[$i] == ' ')   $ P' n0 j, C, q
  62.                   {   & I/ A2 L5 |/ E1 v/ H
  63.                     $ptag[$k] = implode('',$ptag[$k]);   
    9 L% l4 d% d4 d. o4 V
  64.                     $k++;   + @! U0 k) v1 P; B; d2 F' [
  65.                       break;   
    2 `: V8 e7 O! Z$ R% Y
  66.                   }   
    / t( f- ~( u2 Q
  67.                   if ($str[$i] != '>')   
    ; Y3 f5 I+ K0 N9 Y
  68.                   {   2 h; z: `  f& b* s/ L9 ?2 l2 j/ J
  69.                     $ptag[$k][]=$str[$i];   5 T$ M. ?7 y* Q$ ?
  70.                       continue;   
    + F! ]; |  Y. ~: f) o$ D
  71.                   }   
    0 h2 o% v  _( `: C
  72.                   else                   2 u% M: {* H& a: U7 D/ Q
  73.                   {   $ k4 ~/ m5 Y! G- [' |8 E% c
  74.                     $ptag[$k] = implode('',$ptag[$k]);   ; `1 Z. [( r" p2 A+ S# j
  75.                     $k++;   ! |/ R5 \' i3 o9 s- R8 k5 V: |
  76.                       break;   5 n) T$ V6 G& y6 S) ]
  77.                   }   : g3 ?# c9 s9 H, ]) q
  78.               }   
    1 q, D9 U$ o/ K: [
  79.             $i++;   
    + ]' l) d+ T7 d/ ^: J9 b; ^& v8 `3 ^
  80.               continue;   / y/ E0 [9 c$ g! Z# ?8 ~
  81.           }   3 L6 t* N) U& _8 W  x
  82.           else  
    7 {/ h) P$ w8 k# Z( r  |# F/ E- z. d3 u
  83.           {   ! L) f' r! T& [
  84.             //$re.=substr($str,$i,1);   & \& R% C$ F! z# V  o
  85.             $word++;   4 X: {: H# a( W* Z/ i
  86.             $i++;   
    ' f& ^( M9 w0 f$ b5 |) h  Z4 i4 M
  87.           }   
    % J) S5 A# e, l4 R3 O" f! A. v
  88.       }   
    * a( E6 h) r" w  \7 D
  89.       foreach ($etag as $val)   
    / u! U" o% k/ w) j
  90.       {   
    4 y5 y+ X7 t, l; f, T  ~0 f0 f
  91.         $key1=array_search($val,$stag);   
    9 p. S/ H! c! r- X- r
  92.           if ($key1 !== false)          unset($stag[$key]);   
    3 D# U9 O0 R# w7 \* a: |/ u1 @9 U% C
  93.       }   $ a2 ^& X  l, }! O; B$ a6 J. ]
  94.       foreach ($stag as $key => $val)   1 n, Y* a4 e7 M& H- h6 u( H
  95.       {   / c# O7 ?# E7 {
  96.           if (in_array($val,array('br','img'))) unset($stag[$key1]);   
    7 [  U0 K. O  y9 v' K" r
  97.       }   
    + h2 B6 D: L$ ^$ z
  98.     array_reverse($stag);   + g# @5 O8 \! m- A8 x8 U% i% B
  99.     $ends = '</'.implode('></',$stag).'>';   8 J4 f6 g, `% S
  100.     $re = substr($str,0,$i).$ends;   
    0 [, Q/ z$ N' N, H- ~$ j
  101.       if($more)    $re.='...';   3 `3 U3 W/ s% n0 ~
  102.       return $re;     ^, [, }. x1 D9 @% t+ M3 ?: r
  103. }   3 F' b! x  B  Z; h) u/ J8 t0 `
  104.   ( j, }9 J. g3 m$ h; S$ |' R
  105. $str=<<<EOF   / x$ F8 t! U% B% w7 V8 b
  106. <h3>What is the <acronym>GNU</acronym> pr<a><a><a>oject?</h3>   
    4 T* U3 q% g; `! Q( Z- M' S! x
  107. <p>The <acronym>GNU</acronym> Project was launched in 1984 to develop a complete Unix-like operating system which is <a href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html">free software</a>: the <acronym>GNU</acronym> system. Variants of the <acronym>GNU</acronym> operating system, which use the kernel called Linux, are now widely used; though these systems are often referred to as “Linux”, they are more accurately called <a href="http://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html">GNU/Linux systems</a>. </p>   
    ( N1 W( e; i  ~4 S, s( {
  108. <p><acronym>GNU</acronym> is a recursive acronym for “GNU's Not Unix”; it is pronounced <em>guh-noo</em>, approximately like <em>canoe</em>.</p>  : T7 ^( `0 Z# B) ?. i
  109. <h3>What is Free Software?</h3>  ) j3 L0 R+ W0 Q) E% U
  110. <p>“<a href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html">Free software</a>” is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of “free” as in “free speech”, not as in “free beer”.</p>  9 B" }0 g, h& u* N
  111. <p>Free software is a matter of the users' freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. More precisely, it refers to four kinds of freedom, for the users of the software:</p>   
    - A; f; t9 k. l8 S4 h2 s* q
  112. <ul>   ( Y$ x- i) Y2 m0 U
  113.       <li>The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0). </li>   % B1 V8 a; D3 [% o9 i' }
  114.       <li>The freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your needs (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this. </li>   
    + u, _0 q. b0 A1 [" `
  115.       <li>The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom 2). </li>   
    ( T% e1 g1 i" C& h
  116.       <li>The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits (freedom 3). Access to the source code is a precondition for this. </li>   
    1 |' }# Z: x+ j5 b
  117. </ul>   
    1 B, N& P9 O5 ?$ H
  118. <h3>What is the Free Software Foundation?</h3>   3 K4 [3 z" R/ k0 ?
  119. <p>The <a href="http://www.fsf.org/">Free Software Foundation</a> (<abbr title="Free Software Foundation">) is the principal organizational sponsor of the Project. The receives very little funding from corporations or grant-making foundations, but relies on support from individuals like you. </abbr>) is the principal organizational sponsor of the Project. The receives very little funding from corporations or grant-making foundations, but relies on support from individuals like you. </p>   0 i0 q; F, g2 n' o) G6 i+ M  V
  120. <p>Please consider helping the <abbr>by , or by . If you use Free Software in your business, you can also consider or as a way to support the . </abbr>by , or by . If you use Free Software in your business, you can also consider or as a way to support the . </p>   
    3 O' x; A$ C+ e
  121. <p>The <acronym>GNU</acronym> project supports the mission of the <abbr>to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights of Free Software users. We support the on the Internet, , and the unimpeded by private monopolies. You can also learn more about these issues in the book . </abbr>to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights of Free Software users. We support the on the Internet, , and the unimpeded by private monopolies. You can also learn more about these issues in the book . </p>   
    1 z3 j; Q4 E! ~4 x; S
  122. <!--   " ]6 I9 s6 {' o) e5 s0 H# ]
  123. Keep link lines at 72 characters or lynx will break them poorly   
    ; A( C7 K+ ]- `9 M* X! i7 r: K4 [7 P
  124. Obviously, we list ONLY the most useful/important URLs here   2 r% d5 \$ s7 ]- d# Q
  125. Keep it short and sweet: 3 lines and 2 columns is already enough   
    " j' C- T* J1 H' A
  126. --><!-- BEGIN GNUmenu -->   " O0 j6 ?, P- n* G) [% o
  127. EOF;   
    2 p$ {. ?+ H7 `2 {
  128. echo phpos_chsubstr_ahtml($str,800);   
    ! H! s; t4 x+ U4 x
  129. ?>   
    7 Y, ~  Q* p  Q! S+ x( x
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