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個人Points:9695   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2018-12-3 02:57:59

Last edited by pdhs111 on 2018-12-3 04:02 \n\nPriest class play is based on using rare 'Counter Attack' and 'Strike' as the damage to reflect the high attack damage of the opponent and using magic 'Life Drain'.) ~% ^: S% ]5 _5 Z% N8 C' @3 F
* b3 g& G( t6 h8 j; F9 r; B( x
But.. Life Drain.. is cannot using when other casting 'Return from counteraction of divine grace'. And rare optons 'Counter Attack' and 'Strike'.. Both rare option are not include legend item's rare option. In your new idea. using D3 staff and shoes then get more high def.. -_-;; more high def? What's the use of that? Invalid resist protect candle is all destroyed.. Let's stop talking about candles...$ N/ v( q" z- |. q! W8 y
* M( f$ I! T, q# }" ^
It is not a greed.. Don't telling and using a word 'greed'.
8 S; |% }3 R7 D8 GI want you to think about why no one chooses the class..Sorry... your solutions didn't help us at all.$ i+ J1 d7 s# [* v! l( o$ ^! \
"Please let us do something we can do."  "Please make that we can play properly"7 ?( A! L. _8 g3 F+ }

- G9 l$ A1 x  |: @/ S; Q- b6 bbye...* x, J5 C: X0 ^
8 j* ^& q+ O/ t: c
: O6 i0 e5 B; w8 s' N
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
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個人Points:84763   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2018-12-3 03:15:45

disabled the magic of this list, i think we can thing add 50 pure def  ( or low down 30% damage for hit the priest ) in priest!
3 b1 |/ w7 a4 C) O+ T/ T# A5 W' k1 ^6 ~
Holy light! F1 t$ P2 h0 Q+ G
Holy Fire
1 Q: w: A8 e$ J5 o  K  G( h* iHoly Rage1 C. O7 E) b( U% f/ r# E
Turn Undead& \0 Z2 j! J/ v, q6 m+ ?
Authority of Grim oceania' J" L, ?2 `# r* m- b7 P. T
Authority of Seatmornian
. W: c* P" X8 i0 @5 X5 u6 fAuthority of Charis numen/ p  P9 g6 D; w+ V0 m' E1 d4 ?/ b4 n
Authority of Whoarencha
; i5 m% {; |' j# _; MAuthority of Seatmornian
2 j2 ]3 r( G+ Y+ q0 e' ERageStone
& v) y/ V+ p7 {3 N9 HRageBlast
) |. [. z6 L: r- \8 C6 P1 v* I4 TRageLightBall" C# m, j% ], ^2 `

$ q* ^" K2 N8 R6 _, P, [Only keep Curse , Authority of whole save , LifeDrain .
, Y  [/ b( {# a- j( kcancel all Nature Vigor  bonus damage.
) s9 V" O2 [9 k% `4 g$ k5 E, w& F3 A' G
' [9 g* |- t" N- K
我覺得要滿足祭司的貪婪 , 不是沒可能, 就是還原基本步!5 _/ U! S# |/ i+ V7 e3 ]- t
祭司可以額外加 50白防 (  或所有向祭司攻擊都會減低 30% 傷害力 ). - G* B0 i9 S; s1 c) C: ~5 X

# b& A( M( Q6 m4 X) P但取消所有  聖增特武的附加效果 , 所有 攻擊類祭司魔法 取消 (-99% 攻擊力 )   ,  超渡術 附加的項目都取消 ,  甚麼額外增加移動速度、棍加防的機制都取消 . 6 ~' f3 n1 m" s5 A
只保留  咀咒類、回溯、吸血 '一個玩法'  沒額外想法! 9 C, t1 v% U/ \3 ^) s
7 X9 R. Y3 K# t2 y& o
由於你們是換裝快槍手, 所以不會有用裝備限制, 所以整個系統只會實現一種設定。
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個人Points:84763   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2018-12-3 03:24:08

pdhs111 發表於 2018-12-3 02:01
5 H+ G8 [, F- _Last edited by pdhs111 on 2018-12-3 03:07 \n\n6 ?! ^8 A/ \' ?
This will the last priest rescue project

' i  D" y. o( E3 W6 Mcan you tell me  
8 s8 Q' A5 f& T$ [; o7 i( N# xif  allow 'Counter Attack' and 'Strike'  in legend ,
- v" U' E" b  H  K; x4 ?- qwhen  wizard and warrior  chose this rare will have which problem !!!!?, ^& B1 o6 O- m( x% U8 o0 m$ b- F1 A2 c
8 ^$ K# j7 [- z$ z
Priest need this rare , but other class used this rare will have a big problem


pdhs111  Or.. please remove the current restrictions, so that we can upgrade our rare item to G9 or G10 without relying on the item.  !detail! Reply Post on 2018-12-3 14:52
pdhs111  if allow 'Counter Attack' and 'Strike' in legend, At least I think it's better than now. We have weapons that we can use against them. The present war is a simple play in which archers and thieves us  !detail! Reply Post on 2018-12-3 14:47
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個人Points:3631   Rank: 8Rank: 8  論壇元老

文章日期:2018-12-3 11:40:33

醉翁之意不在酒+ ~' r# S3 J) A2 R! F
! C2 N3 M: y0 k# q# r, p+ m而是現時祭司在對打時殺不了人
" @3 j% f$ n# v在破2弓盜的泛濫下祭司沒有任何優勢
% a  d; a: R' p7 m2 f6 _7 M而祭司慣有的吸血技能受公式限制, [6 p) d/ [7 K1 G/ i
! B/ H3 D# z6 A6 ~2 b與5轉弓盜的上線55000-58000有很大距離
+ m# X2 F1 B# A6 b/ r$ s$ d( T2 g8 P對此建議gm開放5/6轉祭司魔法
( }3 N/ Z$ L: c2 m一招吸血加強版,並以祭司血量本身為傷害
/ d; `( P+ I' o4 I# s一吸一斬配合反裝本來就是祭司玩法
0 A1 O# q3 o; Z9 ]5 i也是最展示祭司技術的一環! k1 h* U$ n, w$ v6 H4 D# W
3 h# I! h. B3 n6 d; M) Q( O其他職業都變成高機動性炮台+ ~6 j% ~- y8 P- l  @+ n# V! }
只有祭司拖著緩慢腳步吸著斬殺線以上的血量+ I  u. M( X- o- M4 u* H
被風箏至死' _* y7 P) L; `9 r$ |! h( i/ L
* Q/ U' q# \! d  d* @. {7 Z! P9 ?為何不把這機會留給祭司
9 y7 Z- `& V. q+ Y
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曆遍艱辛不作弊 受苦也練成造詣
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個人Points:84763   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2018-12-3 14:04:03

gba1513 發表於 2018-12-3 11:40
. Z: ?7 x1 Z% B% T0 b: y* ?醉翁之意不在酒
3 w1 d! h* s- p2 _7 v. h韓會會長重點從來都不是開放g8大小反; h6 b5 ?0 p+ `: U* z; U; w0 O( |
" L0 ~, I- s; |: s) F
唔講都唔記得祭司的 奪取生命值 加入了 奪取 HP 上限自己的HP百分比限制 90%. ' w% d  j1 l3 Q3 W  ^0 u
印象中主要原因是當年為了限制 弓/盜 使用這招太強 ? ' O& t6 s6 h. ^; D
(在更新記錄也沒找到是何時加入了及加入原因 )
% Q5 O; f1 A) R. h9 t' b. @+ c
6 [% ^- |( C- \1 j8 R8 {$ l6 m" m' w5 j
4 A; x- D! F4 r3 |) l6 e
新: 3 H' Y& l$ l3 h- Z7 y
祭司使用 :  (基本值 55  + 等級差距 )  + ( 祈禱級別 / 5 )    ,  封頂 99%) _' w5 `5 ~! p; W+ q1 u
其他職業 :  (基本值 50  + 等級差距 )  + ( 祈禱級別 / 5 )    ,  封頂 90%
8 H" J+ o( u' k& x  z: {$ U9 S; K8 o1 z
目前 :
% @# ^$ p9 N+ u2 _5 E" @0 v(基本值 50  + 等級差距 )  + ( 祈禱級別 / 3 )    ,  封頂 90%9 ?6 F8 T0 m; U. I8 p

3 ?  V6 @0 V$ ~$ H- Q原版 : 1 @0 {2 }9 M6 t
(基本值 50  + 等級差距 )  + ( 祈禱級別 / 3 )    ,  封頂 99%
, q! D1 y$ a7 K' S3 F
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:9695   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2018-12-3 14:47:43

細草 posted on 2018-12-3 04:24 . m, j# B) p9 }7 f* U: A' w
can you tell me  
& y% B$ m5 |% [/ M6 Hif  allow 'Counter Attack' and 'Strike'  in legend , 3 j4 @0 u7 d% x  s
when  wizard and warrior ...
/ t- Q" \: ^/ z! ^& L
if allow 'Counter Attack' and 'Strike' in legend, At least I think it's better than now. We have weapons that we can use against them./ Y" r* V! s' `# s( W3 _. P; |
The present war is a simple play in which archers and thieves using "Invalid Resist Protect" candles and kill them, who other class, high damage.
0 N& E- B% u# V0 c, b; p) _7 jBut, if the Legend includes those options, at least I don't think we going to play as boring and simple.
$ b7 d/ h% k, d" \2 ^) E; p% f9 B
0 O- X) h: A  R, Y, l' S6 i% Y( o1 _$ ^And we are not wizard.... wizard class can get G20 Magic Vigor and G20 AC at the same time.
2 I* h4 M/ z9 T: g5 J# aBut, we priest class can't this. We have to choose between the two.
/ Q2 _" a* B4 c" J2 G
- ?7 f$ |! s% y" D
+ ?$ X1 O& P) p$ h# qLet's be honest. Archer and Thief class are can produce high damage use 'Force' and 'Distant' and add using that candle!! the damage is more high.. 3 O7 O1 a8 O3 T6 l; }( `' Y- w" _

4 k. Q. w& p+ H  `: XAccording to your argument, If Pirest class is using D3 staff and D3 shoes can make G20 AC. right? but, we can create a G20 AC even if we don't use it. And that way is more high def21 than your opinion. Because, we priest class can using D3 shield.
) h; c# {( L9 Y8 a# }D3 shield def is 41.
0 ]8 p" ^. @/ ^: e- ?+ [
8 F: H2 B6 a4 f3 Z0 iNevertheless,  Archer and Thief class are can produce high damage use 'Force' and 'Distant' and add using that candle!! the damage is more high.. Their damage is over 10,000 per weapon.
: u, [: R6 p) Y/ n! {9 dAdd their can using Double-extreme-fire and Double-extreme-fire...
' h) c; z: @4 B- S" c: e1 b* q' _! x/ Y1 B
Now, can you explain how to solve we can play equally?6 }+ j% y( n8 l+ ]4 k8 t8 [
/ F. \8 |4 x0 U5 O
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:9695   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2018-12-3 14:52:08

細草 posted on 2018-12-3 04:24
  J& a  B3 _, ?* s8 Pcan you tell me  
! o) p8 x0 f0 ~3 m7 y: Wif  allow 'Counter Attack' and 'Strike'  in legend ,
9 U4 M3 x( ]& [9 r- m$ mwhen  wizard and warrior ...

9 ]: N3 d/ H4 j+ w- s7 mOr.. please remove the current restrictions, so that we can upgrade our rare item to G9 or G10 without relying on the item.
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:1845   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2018-12-3 18:52:43

M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:84763   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2018-12-3 20:18:09

jack64904918 發表於 2018-12-3 18:52
# U( c# g; Y1 s% {出個抵消破2蠟燭效果的蠟燭......

+ N: \1 c7 }% t- Q# u& R% k# Y! i$ H% Z$ D$ X/ F
這個會另外研究抵消的方法. ( T& y- Q5 h+ ]5 E  F, A" I  W, f
/ v2 x. I- E0 q# T7 `3 g
巫師的破魔蠟燭 有魔消水 破解 , $ }$ P7 P- p, X/ s+ a$ q: i+ j
物理的破2 蠟則目前是未有任何蠟燭可以破解。
1 M  k0 [9 X9 }7 O5 H4 H& C! [, f6 s0 w7 J! o8 X! j. y
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個人Points:84763   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2018-12-3 23:49:29

初步決定以 AC蠟燭 附加 抵消 破22蠟燭效果的設定 ,
6 X: ~9 |* b( A/ MG5 蠟燭 可加 34AC , 那麼被  破22使用者 攻擊時有 34%機率 不被穿破 <22/33>
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