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個人Points:84735   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-4-14 00:34:41

$ U( ]2 y: `( \( m1 f" D/ S伺服器將會在 2020-04-14 (上午11:00~13:00  ) 進行例行維護,在該段時間將會進行停機維修。2 F% N( e7 P  T* ]
: q! m6 E: E8 B9 {- p
變更項目 :   M. w5 [  L& l3 k
- 復活語句恢復為需要到主城的教堂內進行才有效。(如需要決鬥的玩家請自備祭司) (詳情)
' W/ C7 I- Z8 ?! r3 s8 f7 L7 n! t+ d& E" L3 Z

$ _- A% F* t- ?5 I# E0 }- C# V' x  S: E, s$ w4 ~# H. N6 f
Dear Players,
) k0 q: c7 F7 K7 O; F1 `2 T0 tmaintenance works will be carried out at 11:00~13:00  on 2020-04-14 Service will not be available during that period of time.6 g3 r1 {# V9 }/ q2 }

2 D! H( K0 {! R. ?2 wChanges : " [/ }" I( d- V
- The Resurrection Words are restored on Church for the effective. ( All Duel player need Bring Priest) (Details)
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個人Points:9691   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2020-4-14 12:14:38

Last edited by pdhs111 on 2020-4-14 13:17 \n\n0 z( R  y+ }3 p$ r; M
/ L+ b: q5 e/ _! f3 [# a3 \- Y
! Z5 O9 R1 N+ g
Because of him, we cannot use the 'Resurrection Word' when tower or doing ladder work... in city -_-) o0 I5 t( ?2 k& u8 e3 u
What a tragic ...

) |( |6 u+ i1 y" Y/ m

/ [! n( m. X+ |* F7 u% y( F
GM.. Could you please put it back to the previous one?
9 B5 O- q+ v8 G/ @$ L8 H! h6 c+ u; ?$ k8 x, `' i
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
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個人Points:1267   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2020-4-14 12:22:53

M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:9691   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2020-4-14 12:28:24

When we hit the monster in tower, all user are died, we can use this 'Resurrection Word' and can resurrect priest in this spot.
6 H; A8 F& }5 \: u4 s3 Z- _5 ^3 Q' SBut after today maintance, we cannot...
; J' _- @1 J% _( l2 D" J! S$ y" [( @- H1 t+ U1 o2 I& o* E
And ladder work, also need that 'Resurrection Word' if we cannot use this, how to we doing ladder work in city....
7 K/ k8 e, |! s! o# _. A# `
" W, n; C  R) L$ H5 }This change will bring us more loss ..
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:3952   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2020-4-14 12:42:59

M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:9691   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2020-4-14 12:52:07

Because of one person, I don't think it's right for everyone else to suffer.( T4 Y; J6 [: D$ F9 t: {. W0 {$ q
I think it's a more correct judgment to punish that one person strongly.
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:84735   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-4-14 14:24:01

pdhs111 發表於 2020-4-14 12:28 $ Z0 a& k& |6 F# f# {* \
When we hit the monster in tower, all user are died, we can use this 'Resurrection Word' and can res ...
/ {5 m; f" ~/ t3 X5 X- f' H. _

: Z6 Z& Q; D/ E4 H4 t+ z* x 'Resurrection Word' in tower is not normal design.
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:9691   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2020-4-14 14:25:36

細草 posted on 2020-4-14 15:24
& [4 L/ L- Y3 P; n) S* F2 f5 M7 p'Resurrection Word' in tower is not normal design.

9 I/ `' t( S8 s, kI know that.: r" ^7 b: O* r/ w
But in city... is normal.. right..? T _T: N5 Y4 S) ]" ]5 a* P4 B3 D$ |

0 k- o! X  a, b

! x0 S; F# T) s! |0 b0 @8 SWe need ladder work..! a/ I/ o0 D1 l, v
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:84735   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-4-14 14:30:55

其實現在來了一個問題. + g, T) }6 k" h* \1 O
你們眼中可能認為 Aek  要為這事件負責 ? 1 Q. j$ ?0 C# [* ^& D6 w2 W1 F
但在我眼中我認為 a6881a  才是事件要負責的人吧!
- a- c+ l0 z+ Q/ W. `7 c+ _/ U. F9 {% I* w: A0 w
某些玩家因討厭一個玩家,屈佢改Game用外掛原地復活。製造假證據去說對方。. t# I  h! d6 |8 \0 M  [8 _- G
0 M' T' l, H$ {$ N6 \3 u, ]4 L然後叫佢用 有睇鬼的角色去影相.
: w! B; \8 `7 D0 X+ n! W+ n然後他提供 更早期的 照片 說明對方用了 1  來復活. 3 ]& P8 z; ~) u) b( g2 j
更好笑的是 1 是在 早兩星期是泰文版合法的復活指令. / l5 m, l' n# P- k
7 F5 _% C& M$ O4 Z9 W: e/ j
簡單來說,我的立場是打擊外掛不手軟,  {/ e0 l) W, y9 i! m# i% o# |
/ m  d6 i. Q: j0 T! {這個太不合理吧!
+ u% l4 r- u' C: P  L
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:9691   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2020-4-14 14:47:44

細草 posted on 2020-4-14 15:30
2 ?8 p: G9 p0 x其實現在來了一個問題.
3 }; S7 [' [1 c你們眼中可能認為 Aek  要為這事件負責 ?
; p3 p- \/ d- T2 S$ p4 \但在我眼中我認為 a6881a  才是事件要 ...

) R+ h% o- W& V9 r2 l3 q  WWhat if he hadn't habitually made malicious PK in the first place?
/ e8 A6 f# q$ T6 B5 s4 DWhat if he didn't interfere in the west grade during the war?* j# m( h8 f) ?# A# q

/ L$ T* Z  J. V% h( x

* _1 x# C0 z8 |$ ?7 r3 eWest Grade is not war map, Nevertheless, the reason we use it is because it is the shortest distance to Zypern.1 O- o# }; n3 z: A+ ]) d
7 E) j$ N" h/ c  H1 i
# s2 `% x2 ?' f( l+ t1 a. d
Even after this update, his behavior will not change.
7 O% N5 y1 B# H( P6 t1 _" z0 ZThis is because when PongTay becomes a van, he repeats the same behavior as his other character." R6 N4 E; J' M* K. }; W
4 H4 Q) Q4 c; Z, b% s0 M. i
  k8 L' v! o6 A/ j, g& H
Everyone is harmed by the accuser, but the perpetrator will not care about it.
) `/ j4 n6 S6 M: X) f2 T$ C2 p1 d& T' e# Q/ E
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
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