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個人Points:84066   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2017-3-22 17:17:52

今天我們收到一個不愉快的消息,我們熱愛龍族、熱愛伊斯的玩家 Ozz ( Sergio Panceri ) 因病離開了我們,
! y% ~; Z6 t9 R% f8 Z我們從他們的朋友聽到這消息也很突然及難過。 希望他在天堂能開心快樂直至永遠。! D4 t2 S* E! a% i. y; E
4 f1 T0 h3 X* k3 G$ D, N
Today we have received an unpleasant message,
4 w+ m" v% M- I5 k- [; l7 VHe loved the DragonRaja, Our players Ozz ( Sergio Panceri ) he illness left us,
' z' F% T+ |4 x* b, e/ S/ P% a: ^We heard this message from their friends very suddenly and sad.$ z4 n1 r$ J3 C3 r# {; R
Hope he happy in heaven forever.
4 }$ h5 `( K  n
" N* g% c5 ^3 T1 s% h* l7 i Ozz.png 7 a" A, D; l6 O5 a, w  d( J9 o
Ozz 紀念石像 Sergio Panceri's Memorial stone carvings
& n7 x3 E6 a0 p% }: @2 m, f; C6 O/ |! a9 S) Q: x* z# Y! W5 K
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jeff8588 + 4 讚好!

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個人Points:3786   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2017-3-22 17:21:56

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個人Points:1354   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2017-3-22 18:34:56

本帖最後由 chibistar 於 2017-3-26 17:03 編輯
8 }6 U  F  m; j  p* s  ?4 Q- ^8 i# D. p; u
You always been greatest source of inspiration, courage and craziness to me and your member.
* {& P7 `! A6 U3 H& T) B
Deep in our hearts will always and always be keep your image.
4 L0 w% p: Z+ w5 H9 k
You are the best guild master I have ever met.
3 u* @" s$ D/ E9 S
Hope you are writing the greatest book in heaven.
& v) H- g) N  J, a. ]7 F

" ^1 a: m+ Q) }  D$ Z. X! n
Rest in peace my friend, Sergio Calota Panceri aka "Ozz"
! {! o9 X; @  u0 s  I9 X& c

5 g% d+ Z$ v* D, M# @
(Ozz, The brave wizard)

! e0 _. [: X/ x
7 v5 K; J5 B4 z+ ]  r( u# H  l* |1 P

1 d3 {0 C3 X$ E6 g8 g

' [2 r: n, p% t9 M8 s& k
+ Y3 H8 v2 ^# v. j2 I: V7 W# c5 u. ^
Dear my friend "Ozz"

+ c8 W; A+ r" v( Z' ]* i) Q/ @6 H, w/ z" G# H
Before you told me you want to make Yllse into Brazilian nation.

7 |) l, C, n7 q5 V& s# H* E/ J. k
You said you are able to make it happen, but you just need more time.
8 ^& w3 \6 _7 ~1 \$ k0 |
But now you are gone, I feel so sad

- O/ h  t+ @" D7 E  [8 y  T' [+ `
Before I told you lets take picture, but at that time I didn't press F12 to capture.

2 S8 F; O% a+ A2 C# |% e7 ~
Because I think there will be more time betwen you and me, we both enjoyed duel to each other.
( I3 y, T2 S) p7 h4 |
I'm regret for didn't press F12 that day  / ______ \
- K) M3 M( P0 n: q+ N! m% J% I
I hope you will be happy in heaven, I'll always miss you.

8 E. q/ S: L0 o2 y" q. z
" The brave and great wizard "

! G0 O" S+ T- R% {% Z* T% {% C
/ O" B' M' B$ w& g( \9 n, l, V
' Q, G6 K' b1 G& N& w2 I: e7 M
+ Y1 i8 |/ P1 t6 b8 W
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:1524   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2017-3-22 19:23:00

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個人Points:84066   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2017-3-22 20:21:37

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個人Points:7359   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2017-3-22 20:36:11

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個人Points:2670   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2017-3-22 20:50:35

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個人Points:12842   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2017-3-22 21:15:40


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個人Points:2836   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2017-3-22 21:59:22

5 S6 p) P& ]+ j9 Y& [+ \這是2017件3月20日Ozz~上傳到youtube的龍族片段
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dicklsn168 + 7 讚好!

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個人Points:1479   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2017-3-23 11:53:54

8 v! M5 y1 }+ HThe Greatest wizard
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