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個人Points:9655   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2019-4-17 02:57:06

English !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
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個人Points:84048   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2019-4-17 17:12:11

pdhs111 發表於 2019-4-17 02:57 9 a2 ~1 E5 Z$ P, O% }3 _, r/ I
English !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 I7 E" h) R: Q# a& P3 a

; m! N: g; i8 o" j4 P# b$ a7 W# k! R( P% z2 ^7 U$ |' e$ i5 h
2019-04-17 00:01 Bonus Update : 0 t- r$ w& a( W$ r! C) p6 _
) ~# }; q# X# o9 T4 f+ n
We are move the [Magic Effect Filter]  Part 1 , 2 into when used /Effectoff mode .
: L, P& V7 w% Q# \1 S% M5 L0 ^7 n6 t% j: [
When Enable the [Magic Effect Filter] all Large Range Target magic effect will used some special checking , 0 m/ R/ X3 N" u& y

; M$ v6 h8 o" {. j" P. L4 kit will filter the same magic effect and same frame , so the same magic to same target in same time will not double show the effect.
: e5 o" A) Q1 w
3 a% E9 c6 I/ p/ S9 ]+ I
/ h8 v5 [( j5 k1 p) R! @In out trail that function of [Magic Effect Filter] , when used that function in too many player and magic effect on scrren will not Break / Pause the screen.
! q# T0 [0 u1 O8 Z+ F% G; ybut some player just so LAG.
' l2 _/ R8 T# X4 S- L5 Y1 N& S+ n3 E. e; t
so , we are move this function only work in Effectoff .
  r9 E$ U) v2 n6 k
: _& W; t) q1 {" A% {, y( W6 l& V" E8 ?
Player can choose need enable or not by yourself .  
2 ?# L/ N" c" M& cthis function can save your GPU used , but increase the CPU used for calc the effect filter.
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:84048   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2019-4-18 05:43:04

如果你的畫面有停頓、閃爍問題 或 部分魔法無法施放,建議請重新啟動遊戲執行本次更新。8 [- ]4 t$ V; f% }1 h- b9 n

! ~& r7 k7 C8 M, l0 [( Z+ f
( i/ n% x) ?. v; }: q" s, K2019-04-18  05:15 更新檔發佈 : ) w' o" f  X8 z6 L* D) n/ `* C
1 b! d+ w6 D/ j
魔法特效過濾功能 進行了第四次優化提升,更有效更全面對魔法特效進行過濾,減少不必要的畫面特效重複執行,
$ J" f3 i% `4 }4 [7 r' j並且為所有魔法特效進行檢測,即使魔法特效被過濾隱藏特效畫面,魔法補給、攻擊值依然存在。! ?6 H1 f* y! `% K0 e1 H
並且解決被過濾後 冰之氣息、神蹟回復術 效果消失無效的問題。/ k' C7 [2 o& [$ I% k, n4 Y

/ ]# Y# W$ A& T# w" u/EffectOn :   不進行 魔法特效過濾 ,但特效畫格超標時特效將隱藏但效果依然存在。
6 H: P+ z* _/ x. D% {" h/ X/EffectOff :   進行 魔法特效過濾 ,不顯示重覆、共鳴的特效。特效畫格超標時特效將隱藏但效果依然存在。
8 n( }# d0 L! s- g: _, z3 h! K0 ?1 V5 u$ a6 q% ^3 Y$ O

4 x7 {' y4 q5 [, |PS: 建議更新後執行 /effectoff 模式啟用本功能。7 N8 E, p  _6 k1 F# S: z

+ @# N3 l! |4 D2 @; G1 Z
7 R- ?/ b  b% S% w7 T2019-04-18  05:15 Update Patch Released :
8 o$ i, D" G5 d* }& t/ X+ B7 \2 Q' U% l
The function of Magic Effect Filter has Version 4 upgraded,
/ R7 j* x" S5 X8 h1 j; F" g' rNow can completely for filter all double Magic Effect problem And decrease the Effect Frame Repeat execution .
/ ~& k' b7 F5 L3 cEven if the magic effects are filtered to hide the effects screen, the magic result and attack values still exist.( B+ B3 N1 P' H) `2 @
9 ~) e, d1 e0 C, q
/EffectOn :   Disabled  Magic Effect Filter function , But Effect Frame Count when over and hidden the result value still exist. 4 v* N& K% A$ N: K' J$ a
/EffectOff :   Enabled Magic Effect Filter function ,  Hidden all Double Effect Frame problem , Effect Frame Count when over and hidden the result value still exist.
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阿芬 + 5 繼續努力!

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M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:84048   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2019-4-18 19:24:32

2019-04-18 19:01 更新發佈 : / T/ c6 F3 B7 R3 t# F& Q4 ?

2 O- J6 H4 l/ {* P! a剛剛發佈的版本是修正 戰鬥技能 被隱藏特效的問題。
( L0 p3 G$ Z5 }) l; o修正 部分職業(弓箭手) 的戰鬥技能使用後 , 被 特效過濾器 隱藏了正常的攻擊效果 , 但攻擊力依然存在 只是無法顯示 .
! z/ q9 j9 Q7 [, {, t$ Q
( m  N. M: y6 n8 w% j( Y5 U' H/ n' F* S# J
4 e. v0 z7 Z, F& q
. u( B+ i3 Y# v
" x$ a4 V: J# L  _/ @# W0 ?& y2 K6 Q$ K+ m8 B
2019-04-18 19:01 Update : , s8 [& i' P7 c7 T9 B

8 G7 S7 D' p6 {* }Fixed the some class of Combat skill effect is hidden problem .
. [3 R: {6 w7 ~8 h4 O: j( when in the hidden bugs , the damage value also exist,  new patch is fixed combat skills effect hidden problem. )
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