
個人Points:84048   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-10-27 00:39:58

各位玩家:8 L# Z0 ~: C8 t3 h
伺服器將會在 2020-10-27 (上午11:00~13:00  ) 進行例行維護,在該段時間將會進行停機維修。. }& J- `* |2 O

7 Q% z) {$ E6 x. I" _變更項目 : 8 ]8 @7 ]& u+ W* U# y
  • 邊境戰秘密地區的房門設定為開啟.$ \- N% ?9 s0 f+ X9 n% c8 ^

' _! C1 {) o2 ?) w
5 T) ]' s! i/ g/ |9 w

( L8 u3 i' e) n% S, }: h6 V( o4 v5 I
Dear Players,
5 K0 @! o+ |. }( Q" \5 nmaintenance works will be carried out at 11:00~13:00  on 2020-10-27 Service will not be available during that period of time.
  l  s8 e6 {$ N" r8 q  v7 E* O, X# i3 u: u; b- P$ C# ]
Changes :
( U6 b4 Q# t% X
  • Config all door  is opened on Secret Area in Local War.8 `+ a3 h4 |2 v
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:9655   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2020-10-27 17:14:14

Secret Area means D6 dungeon?
: e, l0 c7 ]* R+ p) HAll doors, in Secret Area, remain open?
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:84048   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-10-27 18:26:36

pdhs111 發表於 2020-10-27 17:14
* g! M$ @) E& ]5 M) mSecret Area means D6 dungeon?1 ]% k* g' u/ q) W% S2 H9 Y
All doors, in Secret Area, remain open?

: i$ r/ Z: ~3 _7 Z! q: Q5 l
( p+ J! Q4 O" H0 |% XYes , have a player said when the server re-start the door for Boss room will closed . & A( E! {- u' X; f5 R. l
need a wizard to jump inside to click open the doors. + Z$ q* T( O, X7 T
2 K  O, X' N# b3 p( l
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:9655   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2020-10-27 21:33:20

細草 posted on 2020-10-27 19:26
5 |) F# |; h; fYes , have a player said when the server re-start the door for Boss room will closed . " F$ ~; S% `6 v" ]( ]6 t" P
need a  ...

, ~6 ^7 ^# @( D

4 s2 _  d4 S* {0 y6 P( k1 D
' S" W+ p$ ]- u3 U-_-??
( D3 ~5 S/ ^$ ^; a, ^: I1 x- [
" E2 V8 m' e1 [+ W9 aNot re-start server...
6 d1 A+ K* u; kSome player click the door to close., t$ C" Y% D) [* `1 }: B
. d+ ~+ v; n3 }* v- U  K* r
I saw a lot, and I saw yesterday who click the door and make close.
9 N' N5 ]. R3 H! s( O. h$ ^Too sad I didn't capture the photo or record -_-4 {& g0 |: F$ l3 Q( x# p6 q
+ t5 K8 T; v2 P8 ~+ H) T& z4 ?
Why should wizard need a jump;;;
* C& B0 N) \8 T& m2 U) D$ c3 |If wizard are jump the door and not click, what will to do another player?# q2 m1 t& N8 r
Is you will say, 'that is an users problem' ?
5 k( T# N; z. {# K2 Z7 V( ~3 {! L$ l7 b
It just delete the door, and then that's all clear.1 s/ u2 s* r3 |. w( y9 b( I
No need wizard's jump, No need bad action that click the door and make close.! t3 o  b- h( y7 @
. V; r0 g# x2 K$ F0 B
So simple~
9 u* ^, J* A: }+ T6 o/ H9 x8 ^# {# v
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:84048   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-10-27 23:22:52

pdhs111 發表於 2020-10-27 21:33
! ~, V0 M* Q: @( F! V-_-??
( l1 |! p+ L2 P: O" [/ o6 {& x: S+ c# z' s  f2 e( a+ J
Not re-start server...

( z& k% R0 I; _  J/ T
) o# |( T: A- o  Q- O8 u$ ]yes. today is set to fixed at opened .
$ E, ~' m4 X6 F" Icannot close door in that map.
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:9655   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2020-10-27 23:48:03

細草 posted on 2020-10-28 00:22 9 w; u5 j2 m1 }
yes. today is set to fixed at opened .
0 M: t1 Y+ c6 M7 h& Gcannot close door in that map.

0 l7 ]9 q. {! iGOOD
0 j. Q# N9 s. Z
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

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