
個人Points:83914   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2017-10-1 01:18:48

) u' G: u/ w2 @# y" O2 a- n5 y4 K, `2 ~' y* [6 J( Y! p
The Mid-Autumn Festival 2017 quests started at 2017-10-01 until the end of 2017-10-09.
% }* X- Y1 J8 W1 A1 e7 zPlayers can start making your Mid-Autumn moon cakes
  M* D& a' ?, Z+ {3 [2 O/ q  \. ^, p3 {! ^% D6 _
* Quest items must be made in "Yllse - Naurchen" .
& t8 @- O- E9 o' h* Y: S0 w9 m# ?# B7 o  C. o

3 l7 I$ U% h' uQuest 1 - Barantan 309,84
" K. U/ N* c/ h' O) q: a9 w9 T( @/ cLv 60+ (Repeatable)
7 G+ K- `8 E" M
, q$ g- R1 E7 f. B6 i
, K9 q4 b# e2 E1 _6 g6 i# ]9 q2 u1 E4 B! d
Quest 2 - Barantan 313,821 L2 C) ~% C$ v. O6 M& ?
Lv 100+ (Not repeatable)
! A. B# q; C8 |* l# C# w/ A- [
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