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個人Points:84044   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2018-11-1 18:41:54

inquire the player suggestion for GYM Arena about the BOSS Monster setting and GYM Prize box  setting.
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個人Points:84044   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2018-11-9 06:14:58

有關近日收到回報指有些玩家打擾別人掛洗 Duel Ladder ,
( x9 e8 y8 \* z由於這個會存在敏感漏洞或會被惡意引用條款捉蟲行為,
; z* x8 h- [. f, A( F) T2 T所以我們不會考慮修例作為保障 EZ Ladder 的事情。
; C6 c9 C8 x& l* a1 z2 ^
: }2 b# M7 X# S而目前也進行了確認 DUEL 是目前唯一取得 Ladder 的途徑,3 f4 K* d. K5 y( Y, y- U0 r
有見及此,我們會計劃將 道館通關時會向隊員額外發送 Ladder ,
$ I2 W  y+ [$ B5 Y4 P9 `/ y+ y5 `作為鼓勵玩家可以手動挑戰形式取得 Ladder 。6 U1 J/ ]7 d  o& |

  ?3 Z- [( m- w0 p* e我們會研究 一般情況挑戰道館所需的時間,再考量 Duel 在該時間能刷多少再取中位數研究,
9 B0 U* c& @8 ?, r$ W/ T初步預期定位於 500-1000 Ladder 作為完整挑戰道館的額外獎品。  {; m- _5 c3 K0 \' A/ Y# F

- T3 Y  h' q5 ^另外計劃會將道館內的魔獸 EXP 額外提高,增加手動練功的方式。
There's 3 ratedM2 Fun Hide Reason
beanlun + 3 讚好!
jackson1 + 4 繼續努力!
agate93 + 6 讚好!練功新選擇~

Total: M2 Fun + 13   View rating log

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個人Points:9655   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2018-11-9 21:33:21

ummmmmm..... what is it..? +__+
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
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個人Points:84044   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2018-11-9 23:31:59

We has received a Complaint by player about some  player to disturb his DUEL in city when EZ Marco.
( O4 j5 h- V! b6 ?8 q; fbut we would not like changes the rule to protect   DUEL action.  
4 c, J; I8 I  P# w% d/ s  fthis rule will become abuse .
+ y6 }* C, E0 A, qand we have research in current setting is only DUEL can get the Ladder in game ,
' g* d7 a* S0 [% `9 {( s. R4 uso we want to create another method for manual player to easy get Ladder in game. & |) ^# T& ]- f  H* A
9 i- n" B/ K/ N: E, x2 y8 U
4 g1 d% J' q4 J3 |; _
For Manual operation player to Hunting and Get Ladder in  GYM Arena/ v% W- k7 ]/ ]% F

/ }) E8 y, h& z0 n! _We have some changes for GYM Arena , . f+ t$ ~7 p8 J9 W- Y# ^) c
Add more  Total EXP x4  in this arena when hunting monster . ; H6 F6 K* ?9 I. o
and when your success to challenge will also add 500 Ladder for each member.
/ `- p, Z3 B- t) D8 a, @


pdhs111  That's nice sound +_+  Post on 2018-11-9 23:47
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:84044   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-8-29 12:11:19

Save 2020-8-29 12-7(435).jpg Save 2020-8-29 12-7(436).jpg
1 u$ p3 U& |0 a
& M9 [& ~5 p7 j7 M, e" w+ g, J預計日後會加入  戰技經驗值寶箱 (武器 / 法術) 打開後取得隨機數值的戰技經驗值. # x- E% i$ d9 z8 y$ |
- x( k- m% f9 P+ Z2 [& G0 s3 g# {" j
* 取得的經驗值受等級限制 , 100級以下無法升至 100以上, 150級 以上最大是 225.
2 e6 R5 s3 M4 `* i8 p0 N# K- W' j  Z6 y6 ?  p4 W9 P
Planning to added the Tactic EXP Box  (Magic / Weapon) in GYM Prize. / G4 M2 V4 \! ^
Open the box to get a  random exp for current weapon tactic exp.
0 l- J, F+ A6 x; p8 p- X  \. n( N( v, G  g, L2 q  d
* the exp has limit cannot over the character level limit. Lv 100 cannot more then 100Tactic, Lv 150+ cannot more then 225 Tactic.
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:9655   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2020-8-29 15:47:20

細草 posted on 2020-8-29 13:11
8 f$ R. d$ z, x預計日後會加入  戰技經驗值寶箱 (武器 / 法術) 打開後取得隨機數值的戰技經驗值.
" O. O' V9 l, h, a7 |+ A會依據目前武器類別 ...
5 t: k1 @& E1 H. T: E
You deleted GYM system....
6 r# H, t( l! C+ @How to get this..
7 x8 A7 O9 D! Y9 r# x( Y
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:1207   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2020-8-29 17:58:22

赞~ 新途径的增加 ,鼓励了手动ladder及练级的玩家。
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:84044   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-8-30 01:46:27

pdhs111 發表於 2020-8-29 15:47 $ Z+ y9 {; y1 ^, e" J
You deleted GYM system.... - e9 ]: i2 A; I# a( Y
How to get this..

4 f' B! [3 S/ b! v% D0 L, Z0 y7 v6 z. q2 n( O( \+ _8 T
Fitness =  Guild House (Item Mall). T% q/ t, V/ u' {/ S
GYM = Monster Arena
9 d2 Z. x6 ~, j: @5 W  w
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:84044   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2021-6-11 01:55:04

增設每日任務 (道館) 挑戰 , 每天首次挑戰完成道館將可獲得 1000萬經驗值。/ y+ J% f3 |# p# `* @% P0 O
[ 可重覆挑戰的標準獎勵 : 道館挑戰成功團隊各成員可獲得 道館通關禮盒、500 Ladder ]
5 y5 x) [. j/ X1 ]) A0 q[ 當天首次挑戰額外獎勵 : 1000萬經驗值 ; 重覆挑戰也不會取得 ])
1 Z7 z9 _! M+ l) r0 J% S* J' b: z6 r7 N8 h6 y; }
2021-06-086 d5 M* O  q: H( e) s
( [; j& o. j0 u  Y: c8 H- q2 L, I1 B

# e; T- L# q/ f; b* ^) }. Z" N% N/ e
Added Daily Mission (GYM) challenge , First time of Challenge completed will have bonus 1000W EXP' }9 A. Q7 @6 u- s. @* U$ l
[ Nomal Prize : Each member of challenge completed GYM for got a GYM Prize Box & 500 Ladder ]5 \! M0 C0 v; ^* b* y
[ Daily Prize : Once prize for each day  1000W ; Repeat the challenge within the same day and you won’t get. ]
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:914   Rank: 4  高級會員

文章日期:2021-7-30 10:10:36

PVE 模式 很好呀   大家也多出 主意 改进  让VE人多多~~~~~~~
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