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個人Points:83869   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2018-10-9 01:07:14

各位玩家:  x+ z$ S1 |% G5 b7 c6 J, T( d, a8 `% u
伺服器將會在 2018-10-09 (上午11:00~13:00  ) 進行例行維護,在該段時間將會進行停機維修。
( E! v$ W( f: x4 ?4 p0 P
8 {  H+ e( B6 M變更項目 :
  `+ W% y8 n0 |, B+ q
! S  q! B' A5 x+ Z( ]. x, V- 修正部分邊境戰地圖無法攻擊的位置.2 o. X2 J; C5 W- a4 j* y
  }8 j$ z8 H! c  ?3 R
- 修正銀行存款有機會導致超過 40億 而無法顯示的BUGS; t5 `0 x* s% s, z; T: U5 ~

0 }, A% _0 V" ~; S6 {) K2 }* ]
) O$ ]1 b' }- [. O  n6 e0 q活動項目 ( 2018-10-09 ~ 2018-11-06 )  : 8 t$ [- t) f- I8 W2 }5 A% [
. W& D* [' D( A% ?2 ?
- 簡化製作特武前的準備工作 (製作一件即提升至 100% , 製作後不清空成功率)  U9 w' i) }0 f6 E. k

. b9 `2 {% }; W/ p3 B) l
- T$ u2 m9 o8 k. A

$ O2 P5 m$ b* L+ Q
% f) p% C0 J' T8 HDear Players, # `3 B& i! ?8 K5 V  t1 S, g
maintenance works will be carried out at 11:00~13:00  on 2018-10-09 Service will not be available during that period of time.
$ R3 n/ |2 h6 t7 U8 a" a  K6 i
! T; L( f& Q9 O: ^3 {5 M+ s, s* w
Changes :
! v7 U  l9 e! g- }/ @" h+ V0 Z& _0 S1 i
- Fixed some Map Position of Local War is cannot attack problem.
8 J. f) d0 Z. f; ]$ }$ m, L/ F6 T( }% ]+ q
- Bugs fixed of the Bank checking to not allow more than 40E (4,000,000,000) . 8 a) L" k7 R, @- C3 k, Z4 J* ]6 X
& F5 _5 N5 H. p4 p/ O4 h
Event  ( 2018-10-09 ~ 2018-11-06 )  :
0 A3 ]( f: ~% n; ]* {' P! F
# L2 ^; r) {2 X; `- Simplify making RARE equipment step ( Keep the 100% successful rate )
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個人Points:9651   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2018-10-9 12:40:21

Last edited by pdhs111 on 2018-10-9 13:41 \n\nalready someone got new reward? or not put in new reward ?
* O; \" N' W! ]- d0 g) h# t( B


jack64904918  有人抽走了,有跳公告出來  !detail! Reply Post on 2018-10-9 12:43
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
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個人Points:1845   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2018-10-9 12:43:12

pdhs111 發表於 2018-10-9 12:40
* |: D4 N% o  l/ y0 }$ d2 i( sLast edited by pdhs111 on 2018-10-9 13:41 \n\nalready someone got new reward? or not put in new rew ...
1 T9 U' X% J' D3 O: J3 X
有人抽走了,有跳公告出來* t# L/ i5 M; Z7 I+ f- I


pdhs111  GM said he'd put in a new reward next week. [/backcolor] but.... ...... dissapeared !! or didn't put in![/backcolor]  !detail! Reply Post on 2018-10-9 13:41
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:9651   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2018-10-9 13:41:27

jack64904918 posted on 2018-10-9 13:43
1 ~2 Q  j: L6 `' [6 i1 |有人抽走了,有跳公告出來

- p, J6 a+ D7 V7 B. z/ i( C6 eGM said he'd put in a new reward next week. ) d7 k5 m4 i2 y! e- I
but.... ...... dissapeared !! or didn't put in!9 X5 @# B) f1 b$ z

$ s- P7 c& D/ d# M$ y7 ]2 Y+ M2 o
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:83869   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2018-10-9 17:23:22

pdhs111 發表於 2018-10-9 13:41 & _' d- _- u& T" C& E
GM said he'd put in a new reward next week. : F  d) W2 f: I/ F9 H
but.... ...... dissapeared !! or didn't  ...

' C( i& o$ N3 j- Qthe reason of prize disappeared is have a some player got the prize.
8 Z. x7 X3 D4 x1 ?) I
, r/ q8 k( f$ {4 L7 ?i think need to low down the successful rate , because two week record is show that is too easy .
7 v8 D4 b: y/ q9 g+ k* kand we cannot see any one to  show the equip or play pvp arena.
6 N) P$ P* t% M6 T+ s6 f5 n+ h# `: D6 W
9 K5 N0 q1 h  {

! e8 j% M0 x8 z9 a6 m看來連續兩週都被極速取得了 , 下週起會巨幅度提升  每週特獎的取得難度.
6 Z; [' G' [! x, M, K" O  ?而且這個 賭石商店 沒見到有帶來  為 PVP裝備 、PVP競技場帶來宣傳效益.
$ ^9 d- ]% N  y! B! {" Q. P
$ f2 B$ C1 z( X' f5 p# w+ E


jack64904918  下週起會巨幅度提升 每週特獎的取得難度 。 本來是1% ? 那要改成多少% ?  !detail! Reply Post on 2018-10-10 01:48
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:83869   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2018-10-9 17:36:37

jack64904918 發表於 2018-10-9 12:43
6 M) {* A1 X. W# O有人抽走了,有跳公告出來

! A3 v6 |. ?1 X% q: T+ V0 I. C. c  F; d, U+ [8 w; Z0 A0 U
連續兩期中獎者都神神秘秘 , 下期起放極石落去比人抽算
; D, `% Q: K2 b8 \' y


jack64904918  放索戒好了  !detail! Reply Post on 2018-10-9 20:32
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:1845   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2018-10-9 20:32:21

細草 發表於 2018-10-9 17:36
" C5 H# r  h6 B0 \% s+ ]連續兩期中獎者都神神秘秘 , 下期起放極石落去比人抽算
5 _% w$ x* \/ L1 n
# z* a& n6 [3 I% w$ t0 B" _2 P/ j
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:800   Rank: 4  高級會員

文章日期:2018-10-9 22:48:15

M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:83869   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2018-10-10 00:06:02

jack64904918 發表於 2018-10-9 20:32 " n. z8 P# l9 v8 u( r

. y9 M; Z! c2 F2 G6 _5 ^" T# t1 \! G' l6 M, ?7 K( R
我們會觀察參與 PVP 的反應是否熱烈而決定投放的特獎項目。
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:1845   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2018-10-10 01:46:48

為什麼大家不想參與 PVP ,打了幾場我發現 : 9 u+ m1 i" E7 w; c0 f

. d4 e4 o! Z. ^( a1. 死亡後等待時間有夠久
; O% d* s# t, ]+ P) l! T
7 V% i- z/ A+ N2 S  n  d$ Q+ L- `) z2.沒人
, _: {7 k$ E9 j& r* R: P% ]
9 z7 Y+ g$ q- W- j+ y; W  |. }4 a3.就算有人,西部打一打比較快
5 ~+ m4 d' `" t: n3 C5 b9 v3 t0 h) E% g( \# n
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