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個人Points:9653   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2019-8-28 20:37:38

Last edited by pdhs111 on 2019-8-28 21:46 \n\n
細草 posted on 2019-8-28 21:29   ?7 d- E7 @8 L# p7 W2 p8 `# ~0 r
IS NOT FIND.   m$ r0 z4 i$ n8 P/ c, j2 n

/ R1 v6 E' N. q) B9 d7 x/ j* ]may be is wrong password ban.

+ x! Q( x! ?. g9 I& P4 LYes. Me and he are try to find his account.* T" w7 \/ o5 p+ z6 R
I was also blocked trying to help him.0 A% j" j7 _$ K8 U, |/ l/ X
Then how to solve ?% z  Y5 ^# R9 ^6 I: G6 z

6 R4 @; k* Y) [2 y1 K# p, ~It also showing same.- \# K% o6 f0 e& ]4 N) {
Version is different.
+ o9 f2 ]' J9 y  j- R- G
- g7 q& v' U8 A1 J
- x7 ~7 o! q3 U- V& A4 ?4 s

; ~" F8 G% f0 h3 q3 A
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
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個人Points:12   Rank: 2  註冊會員

文章日期:2019-8-28 20:59:56

細草 發表於 2019-8-28 20:28
$ t+ v8 L) Y' O0 e3 {已解除

+ K: B" E6 J$ d+ |7 `5 j2 I/ C又進不去了QQ
  L# Q6 \9 `  R) N$ J6 |/ U
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:83911   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2019-8-29 07:43:16

pdhs111 發表於 2019-8-28 20:37
; B/ S' Y' m3 x8 q% P( A+ w' mLast edited by pdhs111 on 2019-8-28 21:46 \n\n
6 ~( v# s% \6 \# Z3 Y5 C" mYes. Me and he are try to find his account.
8 f$ b& e4 _+ Y0 }& a5 Q* T4 d8 BI was  ...
' b7 \9 g6 d- b4 Q( F% z, `
For the IP Ban by wrong password login failed 10 times .
, b" g! }; K5 Y% ?1 pThe user computer ip will lock a 3 hour.
3 _  L9 ~% h' aAfter 3 hour will automatically unlock.


beanlun  傑國人表示,打迷宮被打到登出, 是永遠不會被發現的  !detail! Reply Post on 2019-8-29 07:48
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個人Points:11522   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2019-8-29 07:48:55

細草 發表於 2019-8-29 07:43 . u& L( O0 {4 g/ J: R1 L6 F
For the IP Ban by wrong password login failed 10 times .
; z8 w9 H0 r4 e" A1 y% |2 W. B/ F$ X  MThe user computer ip will lock a 3 hour. ...

  C/ O- e6 V4 C傑國人表示,9 f( R0 f: z5 i, n9 C# A0 A, `9 b, V
4 N6 ^" Z) ~1 [  o& N2 C打迷宮被打到登出,
; t. v) G) c7 [- h. A! F; Y7 u3 o; |* Z% b是永遠不會被發現的0 R5 R' r5 T5 T& ~, j. o/ o
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個人Points:83911   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2019-8-30 00:02:49

, @8 F8 F5 k9 b1 `5 l8 Q以下地區已進行調整減低誤判的情況+ w" K( L: b$ y$ `

; m  K0 k! r, p- d9 B深淵魔域迷宮, 大迷宮, 不死洞窟 , 海格摩尼亞, 寂靜岭2 _- K" a* J+ _" E% E; a0 X+ }5 e
皇家秘密洞窟, 修多恩河, 修多恩山谷, 大草原, 大叢林, 賽多拉斯, 卡拉爾村
% F. o; r: F6 D( y0 K人工洞窟, 賀坦特城, 泰能
* u/ ?; f& c( `1 }" h/ J斷魂山戰場,烽火平原戰場, 白骨島戰場
8 x" @7 w' y$ {( d
: B  S( v( [2 |7 S. z, G* W; c( c9 f2 b: i
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:9653   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2019-8-30 00:59:50

細草 posted on 2019-8-30 01:02
9 t" j- Z' ~  X以下地區已進行調整減低誤判的情況
; R! c$ n5 b4 x* E4 o) N( E
& q0 s: N" [7 ?$ o6 }! S深淵魔域迷宮, 大迷宮, 不死洞窟 , 海格摩尼亞, 寂靜岭

! }$ x) j8 H# b/ H2 A# Z, Z0 ?' Swhat mean~?
; V- B2 O5 T4 g
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:83911   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2019-8-30 02:22:20

pdhs111 發表於 2019-8-30 00:59 7 N; a- N! O1 k$ v0 G
what mean~?
: d# @' @' j3 W2 _3 N! G

' g$ L/ f  w3 \; d4 msome major area (map) has re-started for update the checking system for fixed the wrong detect problem. ; f+ w$ K  _& k  N- x
but some area has a many character in there , so that area need wait a next maintenance time for fixed.
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:208   Rank: 3Rank: 3  中級會員

文章日期:2019-8-31 08:45:52

版本不合  錫克之塔第N次幫解除


aa941309  只是解任務  !detail! Reply Post on 2019-8-31 08:49
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:208   Rank: 3Rank: 3  中級會員

文章日期:2019-8-31 08:49:04

aa941309 發表於 2019-8-31 08:45
8 L! R) t" t* w* o' R/ C1 q. `版本不合  錫克之塔第N次幫解除
; q4 C8 ^! H/ U5 |$ {$ J$ Q8 N( Y
' _7 O: b- Q$ J# D6 Y
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:83911   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2019-8-31 13:32:01

aa941309 發表於 2019-8-31 08:45
# S; C6 {; e/ y* R9 z  D版本不合  錫克之塔第N次幫解除
' E6 v, J6 R- e1 x

0 n6 v' m- @! M4 |* |5 X2 S目前已解除了.
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