
個人Points:83917   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-4-4 15:57:54

幽冥地區有需要改為安全區 ? 5 |+ R0 @# J0 q9 k
Lethe's Area is need to config to Safe map or not ?
" n6 W0 k1 u1 `, K. O. q
7 c* |* E- d  [
  • 幽冥平原 Lethe's Reign
  • 幽冥山丘 Lethe's mountains
  • 幽冥河岸 Lethe's river $ A3 k5 l$ }+ H' J1 e8 u0 c4 [

0 ~( [- B/ M+ T5 Y9 \
' f6 O+ U5 p: `3 `6 ?9 D' i4 V& d( r0 S9 C7 \' ?# S/ ], x

8 b3 D* U& P8 N. s  l相關文章 : * L( n/ o& c. \) Z9 g
https://forum.m2.hk/forum.php?zo ... hread&tid=44616
9 K' p& {# U8 t/ G4 uhttps://forum.m2.hk/forum.php?zo ... hread&tid=44588& I4 V! m, N' P; F+ |$ x
https://forum.m2.hk/forum.php?zo ... hread&tid=44604
RadioPoll, Total 43 person(s) voted
53.49% (23)
46.51% (20)
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個人Points:83917   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-4-4 15:59:18

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個人Points:9653   Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7  Player Guide

文章日期:2020-4-4 17:09:00

Those areas need not be safe zones.
. C% u* F/ S6 t6 [: sThe areas are only used for map or get the skin of a cyclops.
  `% Y. M3 S" x! W8 dJust can pay for it and change the map's coordinates to a safe area
3 k: Q! ]$ s  Q6 q4 ?6 h8 u: l  L9 z+ P4 o/ L; ^8 g& n# u
If you think of the importance of the area, West Grade is more important to get symbol material. But the area will never be a safe zone.
# M" x# q, Y% e: Y6 VIs there a need for less important areas than Westgrade to be safe zones?" j& C2 Y8 N+ _, i
0 k2 [: Y+ z* y! d! P! n" w
If you have the ability to get maps, you will also have the ability to change the coordinates of the maps.* O% L1 \3 h* I* f! ]/ ~3 Z! w
) V$ G' a7 U$ U3 |) m4 y
To conclude, those areas are areas that do not need to go except for map content.
* k0 _1 }2 s- W  KIf you're worried about PK during play hit the map in those areas, why don't you get rid of those areas from the map coordinates list?
I'm Vysus Korean user
Ingame ID : Black-Water
Line ID : pdhs111
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個人Points:83917   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-4-4 19:11:18

I don't have much opinion about this place.
) e1 g3 `& m/ S( tNot many people use it. Everything is decided by voting.% f5 a/ R+ ~1 W2 j3 }& ^& \
3 z- c0 C/ h5 t8 _7 _2 H8 @8 Y
我對這個不無之地並沒有太大意見. 3 O* K( A+ }) r) }% _! |
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個人Points:1356   Rank: 6Rank: 6  金牌會員

文章日期:2020-4-5 00:37:12

我是想說至少要有1~2個地區能讓愛打圖的玩家能夠放心打圖& t6 f6 x) @! V; K) Y9 E# W
不要每次打圖時看到有人經過 就怕會不會被殺* \, J- R) [2 m& y3 V$ g- u
打高階的這樣很容易分心 不能好好的打!!
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個人Points:83917   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-4-5 01:25:22

中立危險: 大草原、幽冥平原、幽冥山丘、幽冥河岸
+ g, ?- E- r1 P9 T0 b9 G% S中立安全: 瓦南平原北、瓦南平原東、瓦南平原西7 b4 B) p0 Z0 f; O
伊斯境內: 賽多拉斯、大叢林  q3 X* J/ l; h( b+ o
傑國境內: 卡拉爾村、雷諾斯市、雷諾斯市外部/ |2 H6 f/ G2 H$ l0 \
拜國境內: 灰色山脈、賀坦特村、修多恩山谷
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個人Points:146   Rank: 2  註冊會員

文章日期:2020-4-5 19:36:05

M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:83917   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-4-6 01:01:04

2020-04-06 01:00   -  10票 支持 , 16票反對# R7 O9 e) j$ q$ E9 m8 u* w2 Y4 l
投票將於 2020-04-06 23:59 結束。
1 F6 _- n. y/ N- C! X! s$ F! R1 k5 N9 t$ B& a( T/ z# |; ]1 b
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個人Points:83917   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-4-7 01:58:17

看來大多數的玩家認為 幽冥系列地區 維持目前原狀 。
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