
個人Points:84071   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2020-6-25 17:43:51

各位玩家 :  : k! p5 X8 D- A2 n9 H2 Q5 [8 H
' K  ?/ t+ F0 R7 W/ D( O5 W
( K0 a2 u4 G2 z! \" {" N5 w7 z- N! }- f6 ]; s* o8 q+ W* @- ~
如遇上不穩定的情況建議該時段暫時轉用 HKT 線路進行登入遊戲,我們會密切了解相關工程進度再作研究要否進行特別調整。# h% D% Q' n, p( n' S  r

0 u5 d1 l- T: w# S引起不便,十萬分抱歉。
" I$ h+ g2 _% j! D9 b& p  ~- l5 `( |& E& w! Z
0 R; o% a2 y( k6 R8 U2 A" O; w9 ^( Q
# h2 f( H4 e  d' G

4 f% V" E- G& l; E

& f  C" L  x' `" X+ m9 ?; ^Dear Players,
1 b3 P; ?/ ^- m+ ]/ y# n  n
" b, C2 M! H% g: C4 DOur major network providers  have related network improvement engineering in the afternoon in the past few days, and there will be disconnections in some afternoons.8 B1 m$ u( n2 f  s2 }3 a8 |4 \

5 Q, c8 W' w4 N8 k0 z$ M- f/ rIn case of instability, it is recommended to temporarily switch to the HKT line for login games during this period. # H' g+ i) g5 ]- {3 `6 i
We will closely monitoring  the progress of the relevant projects and make further research on whether special adjustments will be made.: H3 ]) X# J: y7 N, G& k, X

0 ]1 ]5 j. V8 F6 }7 P" RSorry for the inconvenience.
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