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個人Points:84052   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2019-5-14 00:23:43

各位玩家:. i, j' W. c0 U! S& a4 O1 l7 `! {' D6 p
伺服器將會在 2019-05-14 (上午11:00~13:00  ) 進行例行維護,在該段時間將會進行停機維修。
$ q1 `5 M& A& F2 `/ d% B
' l3 s0 L' S3 W" x4 ^
. L/ A) I* }4 I$ Q' s變更項目 :
% i+ S/ @) P; z: g
; ]9 N9 ^- b0 ^, b- 取消上週的測試項目 : 取消戰鬥技能可直點向目標按右鍵。
: Z3 v) A" {( p$ s
. x9 X' z- _  g* {2 i- 點擊移動時會額外檢查路線的位置能否移動. 降低轉圈問題。0 T" a& `! F: P1 u- I* p
   (暫時未知這個改動會否造成額外不良影響,如有相關的意見體驗也歡迎與我們聯絡): [1 @* ^6 A0 o9 b( b6 R. G3 Q" F

9 t9 o4 S4 r# ^- F% t. _- BattleLog / ChatLog 的時間 (時:分:秒) 跟隨伺服器時間7 I. a  Z1 {7 q; ^
/ s  p6 z, R# T9 d* k; ]
- 優化縮短 登入、登出 的載入時間.1 a1 y( Z3 B0 b" W. o1 Q1 i! Q
5 e- D; v! H' r  Y: L2 U" g- p# D7 k
- 登出 的再次登入的冷卻時間內按下登入會顯示提示訊息。
9 \3 f) k& t( ]/ z; G% _; n% f* r4 ?% [  (避免用戶認為按下登入後無反應)
* m  c  r' f" ], m% [0 A6 A
# X5 q: N0 z, o  U* ?4 U3 W. A" I" d- 受到物理攻擊傷害時 同步顯示受傷害的數值。 (取消緩存後才顯示的機制)! @* [  ]7 V5 Z; F0 N
   (部分玩家反映受攻擊時顯示攻擊數值有輕微延遲 , 由於物理攻擊傷害的數值顯示並非在相同時段顯示, 可能會因為電腦較慢而顯示較慢。); @( P) v9 I9 ]( }6 r- ^' E: w
   [原版]  接收受攻擊訊號  ->   顯示受攻擊的訊息 、受攻擊的傷害值緩存  ->  每 0.2秒 刷新已緩存數值  [顯示傷害數值  / 更新血條]. * P& x" E% F3 ^/ e
   [新版]  接收受攻擊訊號  -> 顯示受攻擊的訊息、受攻擊的傷害值緩存、顯示傷害數值  -> 每 0.2秒 刷新已緩存數值 [更新血條].
8 V  ~2 K" i/ f' J# l+ s   / L# s0 U- X) l: H( \/ ]
    * 更新血條 維持緩存後才刷新的模式 , 避免改動後有不良副作用. 5 m. [5 n5 _9 b

" R7 r% f7 ^5 X2 F2 J+ D# e0 s9 H: k! q7 Q9 \6 K' n6 a9 H

4 A0 y" V5 _: X+ g+ U
+ n- h% s5 y# l$ @1 a
Dear Players, ) B4 h4 h' s1 u2 V! H( Y
maintenance works will be carried out at 11:00~13:00  on 2019-05-14 Service will not be available during that period of time.
; ?6 m' @1 a' W! N$ z9 t5 x. r2 o) q/ T- ]& Q4 C- T& j* h

1 i" U  w7 S: [! Q. cChanges :
2 n$ e6 @/ |+ j9 z* [# t2 m% D( z# U4 o. X7 E; C# z8 r
- Cancel the last week trial object : Allow Right on the target to execute the <Combat Skills>
, b: `6 r3 n# d" q' t8 i# x
; u$ Q, G4 |' i2 B# \- Click the Move character will double check the walking route. ( Adjust the running circle problem).
6 b" y* E, ^1 H. ]- _" X( j7 }1 ~; g$ `
- BattleLog / ChatLog  in Client will used the Server Time.
' n  R: ^) L5 T" S+ w  }* M
+ i3 o/ o9 w1 z; N5 e: F- Adjust the Startup , Login and Logout loading time.
5 ?2 p5 T$ a( Q7 Y$ p: {
6 L: {3 x  n+ c6 a- Re-Login in Freeze time will show the Message hint . . A& E' E& B/ X* ?5 w# F" C; ~
   ( Tell the user know in freeze time, is not no response. )
' g3 c+ L' k( f* A
) l" ]& K+ x4 J/ Y$ N6 P- Damage Value of physical attack is displayed synchronously on damage signal received. ( non buffer for displayed )
' Y, t( u$ `5 z. w; p# a; {; P
- w* Q" v9 s7 [& O3 k
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:84052   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2019-5-14 00:38:36

我們已得知雙究風的問題,  也得知從前的究風低命中率在上週的 <放寬點擊次數> 時修復了變了 100% 發動率 , " [9 O& |. P5 P/ D8 o
在必要時我們會計劃為  究風 使用時 保留採納 <不放寬的點擊次數> 或是 <額外為究風追加只有 50% 的成功發動率> 或是 <不能卡雙究風的修復>.
. [! O0 g6 z) Z6 |* e( z! {0 X. e/ |- J& s) [! C
我們不建議任何玩家抱著 是 100% 發動成功的心態去配裝備. ' |% ^7 T$ H! z; Q- `- P9 O
我們也會繼續觀察  <放寬點擊次數>  帶來的 優點、缺點 而作出調整。8 f. E- r9 O1 b4 e


戰神阿瑞斯  希望觀察後的結論是好的,不然戰士真的要吃土了  !detail! Reply Post on 2019-5-16 16:06
s100900  或是 戰士滅亡之路  !detail! Reply Post on 2019-5-14 11:41
juliushui  細草,我同會員都有些少睇唔明 是否中間有些地方筆誤?  !detail! Reply Post on 2019-5-14 10:56
uk6330  english plz  !detail! Reply Post on 2019-5-14 00:52
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:265   Rank: 3Rank: 3  中級會員

文章日期:2019-5-14 00:52:33

細草 posted on 2019-5-14 00:38 7 t4 A- D% ?3 J. e6 b
我們已得知雙究風的問題,  也得知從前的究風低命中率在上週的  時修復了變了 100% 發動率 , ! ], g4 a& y7 S9 j/ i# g* W, i3 @" B
在必要時我們 ...
  i2 A( C8 E8 f& B6 t0 e' s4 F
english plz
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:84052   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2019-5-14 01:00:01

We have already received about the problem of double extreme wind , and we also know that the previous low hit (success) rate was fixed in the last week's <Relaxed Permissible  Clicks> and changed 100% success hit rate.: t! F5 N$ Y- l1 Y0 x7 f2 |  R
When necessary, we will plan to use the <Return old Permissible  Clicks> or <Additional 50% successful launch extreme wind> or < fix the double extreme wind limit>.
* I$ J4 W: j$ V1 q' ]7 C+ Y$ ]  W) r9 o& r! y- s' X4 T
We don't recommend any players to made a equip is think that is 100% success hit rate of Extreme Wind.# D: C5 |% R1 E$ j+ ], q5 v
We will also continue to observe the advantages and disadvantages of  <Relaxed Permissible  Clicks>  to make adjustments.


uk6330  What's wrong with Double Extreme Wind? I'm not sure that the inspection last week turned out to be 100% successful. Double Extreme Wind, not just a single Extreme Wind, depends on an individual'  !detail! Reply Post on 2019-5-14 11:26
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:304   Rank: 3Rank: 3  中級會員

文章日期:2019-5-14 10:56:40

細草 發表於 2019-5-14 00:38
9 f% a7 U' z; d  i4 s% R# |我們已得知雙究風的問題,  也得知從前的究風低命中率在上週的  時修復了變了 100% 發動率 , : H! S! {+ l8 m, g
在必要時我們 ...
3 g$ I$ L3 I/ b) R0 f2 A  Q' |4 Z
+ V2 w$ z( o6 z, t: k7 m是否中間有些地方筆誤?
9 n6 \: X- n# F
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:265   Rank: 3Rank: 3  中級會員

文章日期:2019-5-14 11:26:52

Last edited by uk6330 on 2019-5-14 11:31 \n\n
細草 posted on 2019-5-14 01:00 ) x5 a2 D6 ]1 a/ Y$ O, ?* f1 z
We have already received about the problem of double extreme wind , and we also know that the previo ...

# e$ Y1 \- e% n- `: ZWhat's wrong with Double Extreme Wind?
: B+ ^7 U# r1 I+ {3 b5 G
) `6 y9 S: T# N5 s6 `3 ]I'm not sure that the inspection last week turned out to be 100% successful., _% [' K& a8 K  |; f. Z
- ~$ ?3 y. z$ r/ A) e
Double Extreme Wind, not just a single Extreme Wind, depends on an individual's ability to manipulate, regardless of their success rate.9 z$ B! F0 D- [, X0 d) K5 I) N

" |2 e9 M# ^+ [% [; wThese days, users' equipment has been improved on average, so it's not easy to kill without using Double Extreme Wind.
, P5 i9 R4 {8 p8 X3 M( ?* o4 l
) S' {5 J4 S7 b- u+ U0 k  ^Moreover, there are far more deaths in Double Extreme Skill of Archers and Thieves than warriors killing enemies with Double Extreme Wind.
; ^/ y0 e* e" G" J3 q8 P3 E8 F8 l
5 a2 W, P% T1 F2 p( J! R' G$ f' [If you're going to restrict Double Extreme Wind, limit not only warriors, but all archers and thieves.6 Z& Y6 k2 P! ~" q5 [: M

- ?# Z9 z! n! \' E4 {1 U<Relaxed Permissible Clicks> Patch is a patch that has benefited not only the warrior but also all other jobs.
& s; x# ^/ `$ n, Y1 H# t! z
5 b/ h# u* Q& v% r9 {$ |' uWhy only warriors? If you need action, restore the Relaxed Permissible Clicks patch.( A6 V- S' ^3 ]* s+ c& A

* E0 l* Z* o) }- k8 m$ U8 l, qIt is nonsense to restrict Double Extreme Wind.: W  }4 v" I/ g6 |
) ~: P% m. x0 H( _, B
Extreme Wind is the flower of warriors. If you adjust like that, there is no reason to be a warrior.: L1 b" G( A0 h5 q
! M7 W0 o& f" M6 I
The more I look at this server, the more I only care about archer and thief long distance jobs and I seem to hate other jobs.
0 l2 `8 n/ J! G4 f7 Z
: {. N/ b8 N. W; F; o. v
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:766   Rank: 4  高級會員

文章日期:2019-5-14 11:41:10

細草 發表於 2019-5-14 00:38 $ {" C$ o  n0 F9 a! V  f
我們已得知雙究風的問題,  也得知從前的究風低命中率在上週的  時修復了變了 100% 發動率 ,
$ L0 Y% Z- s( A在必要時我們 ...
2 z2 r, M; a4 w* @2 D  [, ?, Y
<額外為究風追加只有 50% 的成功發動率> 或是 <不能卡雙究風的修復>
5 I9 B2 D4 e' _2 N$ Y/ t% n9 p) k" d5 r# d; {  Y
# M9 u; e" }1 L% E, \) c
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:187   Rank: 2  註冊會員

文章日期:2019-5-14 11:44:39

; D6 H7 |4 X' n8 H8 W冰暴都会跳出攻击超过许可
- t2 B0 w; s, G3 [这个能否调整一下
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:265   Rank: 3Rank: 3  中級會員

文章日期:2019-5-14 11:55:28

Warrior comrades, please wake up!
M2 討論區 © All Rights Reserved.

個人Points:84052   Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9  管理員

文章日期:2019-5-14 12:35:23

hhh235249 發表於 2019-5-14 11:44
5 N' y1 E9 o% I2 e8 g8 i! {这几天练级盗贼正常使用
# d  `% K' B- M" d# d冰暴都会跳出攻击超过许 ...
1 X* F: X. _  ^% x
' a4 x8 _! n) V  r! v" z
很抱歉不能移除該訊息,由於有玩家認為按下後無法實時攻擊是 'LAG' 的一種,但這是因為使用連點頻繁點擊,/ ?  x$ p; j6 H* c! |: [2 o
伺服器拒絕超出頻密度的攻擊,所以我們決定加入相關顯示,1 J' y' O9 G* j6 U+ b- r* w- Q
這代表你的點擊是傳送成功,只是因為連點速度超出接受範圍而不生效。. i5 M' q1 A2 c
& H1 @: l4 k8 H: M9 @+ F; L9 t
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